About Camp Victory

Camp Victory Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the mental and physical health of Veterans and their families through outdoor therapy. We strive to connect them with vital resources, including VA programs, Veteran groups, and state organizations, to ensure they receive the support and benefits they need.

Come Experience Camp Victory

In recent years Camp Victory has helped over 500 Veterans.

We don’t exist to force “mandatory fun,” or tell you what you should or should not do. We are a group that is largely comprised of Veterans that helps their battle buddies when they need it most.

No pressure, no judgements; we understand what you’re going through.

Veterans Helped & Supported

About Camp Victory Inc. | An Executive Summary

Camp Victory Inc. is a 501(c)(3) created to address the growing need for Veterans programs that focus on helping the Veterans health, both mental and physical, as well as their families through outdoor therapy. We also work to get Veterans and their families connected to the resources they need. Whether that be through the Department of Veterans affairs programs, other Veterans groups, other Veterans, and state-run organizations to link them with benefits for which they may qualify.

Some of the board members and most of the volunteers are Veterans themselves who have experienced first-hand the healing qualities of the outdoors. Through the camp, veterans get peaceful experiences in nature. This creates a camaraderie many have lost through the years away from the military. We also use cooking, woodwork, farming, tree planting, and bow hunting to help create that bond that so many of us are missing.

Veterans are having issues with connecting to their families, isolation, substance abuse, lack of an information stream, discrimination, and stereotyping for their disabilities just to name a few. Suicide rates are rising, and Veterans need help right now.

Our organization is dedicated to health, hope and healing through the outdoors. Most of us have been through the programs and have come back to assist other Veterans through their hard times. To date we have already touched the lives of over 300 Veterans. We are looking to multiply that number by 10 in the coming year. We will not quit. We will not backdown. We will succeed in getting Veterans the help they need.

Overview & Objectives

Camp Victory Inc. has a commitment through action steps taken, to present the vision we intend to implement for quality and timely assistance to Veterans. Having worked with veterans for many years, as well as also being veterans ourselves, we hear many testimonials regarding issues that veterans are faced with, and barriers that they, along with their families, are trying to even understand let alone overcome. These challenges, that are being faced, have radically increased in just the last few months and years.

The following are obstacles and barriers of the greatest concern that veterans are sharing with us:

  • Lack of accessibility to quality care relating to mental and emotional issues such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, or physical care. Many report that they are unaware of the benefits that are due them, don’t know who to get information from to apply for the benefits, nor what they need to do to qualify for these benefits.
  • Though there are many organizations offering care and assistance, the accessibility and quality of service varies greatly across the system and demographic location that one resides. There is a breakdown in the consistency of communication and processes of each entity providing services.
  • Many have expressed the fear that they face regarding their workplace, as well as effects on their families due to discrimination issues, stereotypes in reference to mental health issues that are faced. This carries over into financial issues, insurance benefits, career advancement opportunities, and social stigma that encompasses their families.
  • Many veterans, especially post-Vietnam veterans, have adamantly expressed that they don’t seek identity, they are not understood, that they are alone in their own country.

Due to our relationships to our fellow comrades, our veteran brothers, we are still committed to an oath we made to service and sacrifice. This means action, not merely words nor accolades.

On November 5, 2021, Allan J. Lamovec applied for a Not-for-Profit 501C3 organization status for Camp Victory. On January 25, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service issued a determination letter granting 501(c)(3) tax exempt status for Camp Victory Inc. a Wisconsin non-profit corporation organized in the fall of 2021. The 501(c)(3) status has an effective date of November 2, 2021 and will allow donations to Camp Victory to be tax deductible. it will also allow Camp Victory to receive deductible bequests and be eligible for a variety of grants.

The Objective/Mission, of Camp Victory Inc.

We are committed to providing both health and hope to veterans. This includes Relational Health, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Physical Health, and Spiritual Health, using practical applications, programs and classes, and professional oversight in an outdoor setting!

The means by which we will successfully accomplish this objective is developing close bonded relationships with Veterans, as well as Veterans with each other.

Recently, we have been in contact with several military, as well as like-minded organizations, to discuss collaborative efforts for assisting veterans.

Help Us Take Action

The challenges that veterans are facing are at a crisis point. There is no time to wait for action to be taken. It must be addressed now.

Camp Victory Inc. will continue to move forward in meeting its objectives.  We will continue creating unity and collaboration among veterans and other veteran organizations. We, Camp Victory Inc., are committed to providing health, hope, and healing to those who have served and sacrificed for our country.